Pentalux Rod from Rob Smith
I have received a test rod from Rob Smith, one of the most talented rod
maker from east coast. He is known for making an asymmetrical pentagon.
The bottom flat of the rod or the flat which has the guides mounted to it is
a broader than standard flat (92degree strip) with the sides immediately
contacting this broader flat cut astraditional or standard penta rod shapes.
The rod is 6 1/2’#3 with two different tips.
One tip is for right hand caster, and the other is for standard.
Isn’t this idea amazing?
Well, I do love this tiny wand. Rob told me that this rod was made from
Nat Uslan’s bamboo stock.
But honestly speaking, I was surprised to recognize how soft this rod is.
It reminds me many Japanese bamboo rods made from Madake
(Phyllostachys),which are very flexible but very powerful.
And as Bob explained in his email, the whip-like action enables me to
create an arrow straight tight line which goes just above the surface of
the water.
I feel like I am throwing a small lure rather than casting a fly, that easy
and precise.