1942年に撮影されたアンセル・アダムスの有名な写真Tetons-Snake River
ところでSnake Riverの規制は下記のとおり
Snake River from 150 feet below the Jackson Lake Dam downstream 1000 feet to the gauging station and the Snake River from the south boundary of Yellowstone National Park downstream to Jackson Lake.
Limit is 3 trout per day or in possession.
Only one trout may exceed 20 inches,
Snake River from the gauging station 1,000 feet below the Jackson Lake Dam to Wilson Bridge (WY Highway 22 bridge).
Limit is 3 trout per day or in possession.
All trout 12 to 18 inches must be returned to the water immediately
Buffalo Fork and Pacific Creek
Limit is 3 trout per day or in possession
Only one trout may exceed 12 inches
Only artificial lures or flies may be used
Jackson, Jenny, and Leigh Lakes
Limit is 6 trout per day or in possession.
Only 1 trout may exceed 24 inches.
All other open waters including the Gros Ventre River, Ditch Creek, and Spread Creek
Limit is 6 trout per day or in possession.
Only 1 trout may exceed 20 inches